Participants acquired knowledge in cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques, the use of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs), wound management, among others.

Neighbors from Los Ángeles and Mulchén are training in first aid thanks to a course implemented by AES Chile

February 28, 2024

About 40 neighbors from the communities within the influence area of the Los Olmos Wind Farm and the San Matías Wind Project participated in first aid courses implemented by AES Chile in February.

The main objective of the first aid course was to provide neighbors with the necessary knowledge and skills to offer immediate and basic assistance in medical emergencies. Among the most important knowledge acquired by the students are cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques, the use of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs), wound and burn management, hemorrhage control, the Heimlich maneuver, and the ability to identify signs and symptoms of medical conditions such as heart attack and stroke.

As safety is the top value of AES Chile, the company decided to provide the first aid course so that neighbors have tools that can save lives, making a difference between life and death. The first course was held at the Santa Fe Neighborhood Association headquarters in Los Ángeles, and the second at the Rural School of Rapelco in Mulchén. Both were conducted over 12 clock hours with theoretical and practical content, led by nurse Fernanda Salazar, who works at a CESFAM and in the emergency department of a clinic in Los Ángeles and is also a teacher at AIEP.

Salazar mentioned that the initiative implemented by AES Chile "is really good; it is a super useful tool for society. No one is exempt from suffering an accident, and that is why this educational opportunity is very good." She also noted the participants' remarkable interest in learning, especially among the older students.

Elvia Rifo, who attended the course at the Rural School of Rapelco, commented that her main motivation for taking the course was "to have a little more knowledge in the area of first aid. It never hurts to know a little more about health issues and when it comes to saving lives."

"It's great that AES brought this kind of courses to such remote places. Hopefully, they can bring more. I want to thank them for the opportunity," said Rifo. Certification ceremonies will be held soon.

The first aid course was one of the 7 topics addressed in the 15 courses that AES Chile conducted during January and February in the influence areas of the four wind farms the company has in the Biobío region.