Embarcadero Union managed to acquire ropes for the extraction of cuttlefish, whose season begins in the coming weeks, and life jackets.

Fishermen from Quintero have new implements thanks to the Artisanal Fishing Support Program of AES Chile

January 17, 2024

Within the framework of the AES Chile Artisanal Fishing Support Program, the fishermen of the Embarcadero de Quintero Independent Artisanal Fishermen's Union managed to complete the acquisition of new implements for the development of their activity, thanks to the contribution granted by the company.

This involves the purchase of 141 rolls of polypaper ropes, a rope that is mainly used for the extraction of cuttlefish, whose season begins next February.

The activity took place at the Embarcadero union offices and was attended by leaders, union members and representatives of AES Chile.

The administrator of Caleta El Embarcadero, Bárbara Bustamante, indicated that "these funds are a help for all members of the organization and are distributed among some 26 boats to extract the cuttlefish resource, which is what we work on most in the area. "

Meanwhile, the president of the Embarcadero Union, Juan Santana, along with evaluating the financing of the initiative by the company, highlighted that “AES Chile has been a good contribution and I want to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues.”

In addition, the organization also managed to purchase 60 life jackets, both for tourist boat rides and for fishing tasks.

Meanwhile, Jimena Krautz, head of community relations at AES Chile, pointed out that “as a company we are very happy with the work we have been doing with different fishermen's unions such as El Embarcadero, whose relationship has been strengthening.”

About the program

The Program to Support Artisanal Fishing in the Bay of Quintero and Puchuncaví aims to promote the development of the work of artisanal fishermen, along with strengthening and consolidating their productive initiatives.

Last year AES Chile signed new agreements to support the 12 fishermen's unions of the two communes, which made it possible to finance a series of initiatives carried out by the organizations themselves, such as improvements in infrastructure, acquisition of fishing implements and safety equipment.