These are training sessions aimed at inhabitants of the territories near the company's wind farms and with various topics such as beekeeping, composting and digital literacy.

AES Chile launched 15 summer courses for residents of Los Angeles and Mulchén

January 23, 2024

In line with its interest in promoting education and training, AES Chile launched a total of 15 summer courses aimed at residents belonging to the communities near the Los Olmos, Mesamávida, Campo Lindo and San Matías project wind farms.

These are face-to-face trainings of three hours a day each, which aim to strengthen specific areas that are in line with the activities of the different areas.

For example, in the case of the Los Olmos Wind Farm in Mulchén, nearby communities have a course on urban gardens and digital literacy, while in the Mesamávida sector in Los Angeles, the aim is to strengthen beekeeping activity.

In the case of San Matías, one of the initiatives consists of compost management and in Campo Lindo the neighborhood associations opted for a project formulation course for entrepreneurship and digital literacy funds.

The implementation of the program is the responsibility of the AES Chile Foundation and its execution by the Technical Training Organization (OTEC) of the AIEP professional institute.

The head of Social Investment at the AES Chile Foundation, Macarena Badilla, commented that “we have already carried out these courses before and with very satisfactory results. They have a design that is in line with the needs of each territory and in consensus with the activities of each area.”

Badilla maintained that “the reception from the neighbors has been very positive. In order to generate more closeness and comfort, the courses are held in the community headquarters themselves and with speakers from the same area, who know better the characteristics of each territory."

According to the representative of the AES Chile Foundation, an aspect that draws attention is the constant increase in female participation. “The profile that is most repeated is that of entrepreneurial homeowners, who, to support their families, have some economic activity parallel to their role as caregivers. Responding to this need, we managed to adapt many of these trainings after 6:00 p.m. to precisely facilitate assistance,” he said.

The first courses began on January 9. They will continue during the current month and until the first half of February in some cases. For more information and applications, interested parties should contact their respective neighborhood associations.

About AES Chile

AES Chile operates the Los Olmos, Mesamávida and Campo Lindo wind farms in the Province of Biobío and is close to completing the works on the San Matías project. These are renewable plants that are part of the Greentegra transformational strategy that the company launched in May 2018 and that, along with accelerating the future of energy, seek to contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change.